Sunday, August 17, 2008

gagga and pepaw surf the net

Dan and I are sitting next to each other at the library scanning articles and blogs concerning Ethiopia. He is trying to get me ready for the trip as much as he can. He wants to know how dangerous it will be, how to dress for the weather, how much money to take, what shots do I need so I don't contract some disease. We check each others web pages from time to time to see what we've come across. I usually have pictures of
Abigail I am looking at and occasionally look at the Ethiopia travel web site. I suppose between Dan, Grace , Faith and I we will figure it out.
Hopefully Faith will be able to fly to Hershey the same day we arrive home. She would be new blood to the adventure and new wind in our sails. We should find out pretty soon if she will be able to come to Hershey.
Dan and I have been at the library now for three hours, neither one of us are fast readers and we mostly don't care either. We are content to brouse.
In getting ready for the trip I was able to find some rain boots at the salvation army and a couple of rain coats. That was an answer to prayer. Been pricing boots and rain coats and I got a bargain. God is good.
Still wanting a job of some sort and my sister in law may have some work for me , helping her with ad books. Anyone need any for their church fund raiser or business?
A dear soul gave me $30 the other day and I will save that for spending money while in Ethiopia. Other than that I am waiting to see what God is going to do next. I love it when He surprises me.

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