Thursday, August 21, 2008

Once upon a summer's day

Hot dang ! My friend Laurie, her step daughter just had a baby. So many babies and so little time. Babies such as Anna-Faith. How many more days till we get her? I forgot to look at the little gage I have on my side bar of the blog. I am getting so excited.!!!!!! I have to hurry and call Laurie I mean Gramma Laurie.

Once when I was maybe eight years old I snuck into my neighbors house next door...the Shamrock' was back in the day when you did not lock your house unless you went away on vacation. Nevertheless, I snuck in. Being such good neighbors back in those days I would pop in from time to time and bug Peg. Like most women in those days, she was a stay at home mom (unlike mine) and I sometimes needed a woman to terrorize with my antics.
(that might include shoving a snake in their face, or beating up their younger son, Billy)

Now one day I was over at Peg's house and was talking with her and she was putting her grocery money away from the days shopping. Hummmm, I remembered that place. So a couple of weeks later I guess Satan moved me to go over there and scope out things..and I did. No one home. Within seconds I remembered the cash drawer...Jackpot ! Well to make this story shorter, I stole the money and it was a "wad". Really don't know how much either.

So fifty years still bothers me. I only told my sister Sylvia last year and only because we ran into their son at a class reunion in the park. Guess who lived across from the park and guess who went over and saw them ? We did, Sylvia and I. End of story ? Not yet.
Yesterday I "ditched" church and went riding around in Brookfield, by my old house, hangouts, high school and then I ended up on Peg's street. They had moved but not far enough away.

I stopped in front of their house and knew what I was going to do. Walked up to the house and knocked on the door. I told Peg and Bill, her husband, what I did and how it had bothered me all these years and "here is $19.00 it would have been $20.00 but I didn't know I was coming here and I stopped for a dollar burger at McDonald's". That's when I could not hold back the tears. I was so sorry for what I had done and those poor people I could only give them $19.00 but with a clear conscience I left their house and went home.

Man, the adventures get better and better.

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